An apology letter template is a way of expressing regret towards a past action or occurrence. It is a means of putting down in words how you are feeling and trying to make a positive change from a negative action. Generally, this letter may be sent to business relations like customers, colleagues, employees or boss or to personal relations for several reasons. This letter will be sent when someone admits his/her mistake and wants to apologize or excuse his/her mistakes. There are some common mistakes which people usually make while writing this letter. These are misbehaving, missing any event and causing trouble for the next person. That is the reason why a letter of apology must be written in a humble tone. The timing of writing this letter is the most important thing which you must keep in mind when writing an apology letter. Make sure to admit your mistake as soon as possible and send an apology letter immediately. Importance of Apology Letter: A timely and well written can really make help you in rectifying the damage you have caused. Instead of dwelling on the mistake, it is better that you prepare an apology letter which will definitely portray

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